2012年8月28日 星期二

中雷也要團購---dr.smart co2注氧面膜// bioderma 卸妝潔膚水

28/8/2012(星期二) 10:35

早2天...真的沒有心情寫blog.....唉......脫毛可能中雷, 救命....最討厭大老爺又用教訓口吻說我自尋死路, 不知悔改(想死), 還下令不淮.....不淮.....我再買脫毛/facial團購.....>.<

自己有自責, 明明早前join beecrazy 脫毛plan(知道有問題,即時退款了事), 可以抽身而回......但自己又重複去join plan.......真的要怪自己(悶氣)~~~

我以為這件事會嚇怕我, 不再團購.......但原來唔開心更加想買嘢(發洩), 昨天團購了2件貨品(不是脫毛/facial)........嘻嘻, 大老爺知我不開心亦不敢多說!!!


(1)dr. smart co2注氧面膜.....$20/1片, 買4片送1片(旺角取)

其實這個價錢, 應該效果不太~~~

大老爺當知道我買面膜時, 都有少少微言(因還有很多盒paper mask未用).....但他看見我悶悶不作聲......就算了罷~~~

27/9 update: 已取, 在星期五(28/9)開始連續敷了5天......
效果-----feel到皮膚真的滑了, 對剛出的暗瘡有消紅的效用.......但其它效果暫時未見~~~~


大大枝, 抵用(平時我多數在sasa, 卓悅買)~~~

其實我都不是亂買, 紅水差不多用完, 所以買!!! co2面膜想試下, 但這個不知效果, 所以買了4片試試.........都算自制啦~~~~
其實好想買mediplorer co2面膜(有很多好評), 咿....等我買來和dr.smart做比較都好.......嘻嘻......好好藉口~~~

6 則留言:

  1. 你真係好鐘意團購呢~~

  2. bioderma大大枝都唔洗團購喇~卡萊美全線一向$98架! 傻瓜~
    [版主回覆10/05/2012 19:42:01]hi, colourmix...可能是上次哪個sales差少少....因近日朋友拉我到另一間..感覺又ok~~~
    新買的攪拌器試用了....功能真的與之前一樣, 所以大老爺覺得我有問題(相同又買)??? 太大盒...還沒有地方安置它呢!!!
    遲些會用mediplorer co2面膜...到時再作比較~~~
    thank you very much~~~~~
    [為食魔女掌門人~ 小倩(Jade)回覆10/05/2012 10:28:31]卡萊美
    most likely, member discount 5% off lol~
    [版主回覆09/01/2012 17:19:37]hi, 這間....我唸我唔會再買嘢!!! 上次sales態度麻麻, 還要當你係賊....跟住你行~~~
    其實sasa/卓悅都好抵....但有時看見又手多多按鍵.....算啦, 等我出開旺角做facial時才順便攞~~~

  3. 為食魔女掌門人~ 小倩(Jade)2012年9月28日 晚上9:29

    dr.smart co2注氧面膜
    I bought them 2 ^^)
    good to use one each nite for 10 nites, then 2 or 1 time per week. that's what they say ^^)
    I just used it last nite, feeling great!!!
    will do it tontite 2.
    happy bargains!!!
    [版主回覆10/06/2012 00:09:54]hi, 我都覺得$300/set裝....好抵, 所以忍唔到手....買了1set....嘻嘻~~~~
    [Carmen回覆10/05/2012 21:48:58]haha~~thank you very much for both of yours' advise~ i saw this the promotion in yahoo acution and it is very attractive~ really wanna buy some~~ the $300 set is very attractive!!!
    [為食魔女掌門人~ 小倩(Jade)回覆10/05/2012 10:31:34]waiting for your 比較~ mediplorer co2面膜 V.S. dr.smart
    [為食魔女掌門人~ 小倩(Jade)回覆10/05/2012 10:26:47]P.S. And will consider use 1 for body once a week too ~ (it drains "water" quite well on my dolly face!)
    [為食魔女掌門人~ 小倩(Jade)回覆10/05/2012 10:19:46]My first buy here was 10+3, by the time I get them, I find out I used one piece before, which is a gift of some other beauty company's group purchase. At the time I get them, I was so glad to know where I can get it NOW~ And the lady give me a introduction sheet (A4 photocopy) which says good to start off with one sheet one day for 10 days to improve the skin condition. I am using it the eighth day now, and actually when I used it for 2-3 days, my kind of pimple problem, not much, only 2-3 on my face get improved and controled. They were on my face for quite a while, say more or less a month, just there, NO GOING! They now are still on my face, but smaller, one actual pimple wound gets a lot of improvement! So I will use 10 for 10 days and then once for the following week and thereafter! After the 10 days, I guess I will try the mask once a week in the set or follow instruction if any. Happy Bargains!
    [版主回覆10/04/2012 23:58:52]hi, 第1次團購我只買了co2面膜4片+送1片....昨天剛剛全部用完, 真的feel到滑了....因為只敷了5天(效果當然沒有寫這樣神奇)....但當平價$1x mask來敷....我覺得都不錯~~~
    今次又做團購$300(15pcs co2mask+1set aqua magic), 覺得好抵, 所以買了....但我未試過set裝產品...唔知是否ok........
    [Carmen回覆10/04/2012 22:57:56]呢個係咪真係好用???
    [版主回覆10/04/2012 20:05:36]hi, 4 more sets = 60 pcs co2 mask.........wow....use the long time
    [為食魔女掌門人~ 小倩(Jade)回覆10/04/2012 11:23:40]I think this is a much better bargain 2 ^^)
    I bought 4 more sets to compensate my more expensive previous bargains lol~

    [版主回覆10/03/2012 22:10:58]hi, i just bought (15 pcs co2 mask+1 set aqua magic) is $300....good price.......yeah~~
    [為食魔女掌門人~ 小倩(Jade)回覆10/03/2012 13:05:40]good news~

    [版主回覆10/02/2012 22:10:24]OK! I will call dr.smart tomorrow.Thank You!
    However, I am interested in buying the @ $260/set~~~~~
    [為食魔女掌門人~ 小倩(Jade)回覆10/02/2012 21:22:14]btw, last time when i get my mask, they asked me if i wanna to buy a set which includes 6 pieces of co2 mask, @ $260/ set. I checked on internet back home, and noticed it is a value set for group purchase which the exchange period only starts from10/10. It is also Dr. Smart items. You may cccccc...
    [版主回覆10/02/2012 20:07:15]hi, really....... i see.......thank a lot~~~~
    [為食魔女掌門人~ 小倩(Jade)回覆10/02/2012 19:53:24]i think i will call them again to c if i can directly get them at the same price, which is 10+3 pieces at $20 each for the 10 pieces and free me 3
    [版主回覆09/29/2012 01:21:50]hi, 我星期四剛剛取了, 今天敷了1次, 感覺真的滑了.....可惜我只買了4片+送1片....

  4. 請問用左dr.smart未? 是否好用? 保水嗎?
    [Holly回覆10/10/2012 22:57:05]thanks for your reply ^^
    [版主回覆10/08/2012 17:08:01]hi, 這個co2 mask敷時完全沒有異樣, 沒有起泡......唔臭(無味)~~~~
    [Holly回覆10/08/2012 13:33:10]hi, 請問個 co2 mask 會吾會起泡 ?? 臭吾臭 ??
    [版主回覆10/05/2012 20:15:50]hi, 因為我第1次團購只買了4片+送1片...連續敷(5天)前晚已同完(買了新團購....但15/10才開始取)~~~
    成效-----我感覺做後feel到皮膚真的滑了, 另外我下巴原本開始出暗瘡...敷了3天後, 沒有繼續出(消紅), 有以上改善!!! 但.....其它功效暫時未見~~~~
    我自己覺得效果都ok, 價錢又合理......其實你可以買少量試用, 看看自己覺得是否ok(因為可能每個人感覺不同)~~~~

  5. 今次係15片送護膚套裝呢, 好似好抵喎!
    [版主回覆10/06/2012 00:06:10]hi, 嘻嘻.....就是比這個價錢引誘到....買了1set(好似比上次團購更抵---$260/ 6片co2mask+1set aqua magic)~~~

  6. 睇完你既介紹, 我都忍唔住買左$300 SET, 15PCS+1SET SKINCARE, 真係好難忍...
    [版主回覆10/21/2012 23:21:50]hi, 我星期五攞咗..未試用(aqua magic---set裝), 如果好用....我都想買多1set(套裝介紹好似好pro..又玻尿酸精華, 又100%骨膠原粉.....大大盒$300)...連大小姐見到這盒裝都好奇問是否好貴~~~~
    [RonRon回覆10/21/2012 22:36:06]我琴日終於去左拎喇~ 唔覺意比佢SELL左我買兩支MINI SIZE 香水. 好彩$60...

    我試左個FACE CREAM喇, 都OK好用WOR, 夜晚用左第2朝起身冇咁油, 用多兩日好用既, 我想入多2SET添呀, 個小姐話可以就咁打比佢ORDER, 唔使JOIN 團購.

    嘩, JADE 都好豪喎, 佢一定覺得好好用喇
    [版主回覆10/10/2012 17:15:55]hi, set裝 skincare未試過, 唔知是否ok???
    明知已經有很多護膚品...不應該買, 但很討厭..價錢又很吸引...唔買又心思思, 是否真的女人錢易賺????
